When creating profile synchronization connections in Sharepoint 2010, for example as a part of configuring the profile synchronization service (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee721049.aspx) you may receive one of the following errors:

Unable to process Create message
Troubleshoot issues with Microsoft SharePoint Foundation.
Correlation ID: {GUID}
Date and Time: {timestamp}

Access to the requested resource(s) is denied
Troubleshoot issues with Microsoft SharePoint Foundation.
Correlation ID: {GUID}
Date and Time: {timestamp}

Normally you’ll get the “Access to the requested resource(s) is denied” error when trying to create a connection but the profile synchronization user (this is the farm account user you used to start the User Profile Synchronization service) does not have administrative rights on the profile synchronization server (this is the server you selected for Profile Synchronization Instance when creating the User Profile Service application). You can simply solve this problem by adding the user to the local administrators group temporarily.

The “Unable to process Create message” error happens when you tried to create a synchronization connection earlier and trying to create a new one with the same name. This occurs, for example, when you retry the creation with the same name after the “Access to the requested resource(s) is denied” error appeared on the last try. Simply choose another name and confirm that the User Profile Synchronization service user has at least local administrator rights on the profile synchronization server.