Multiple SSL sites with Windows Server 2012

Multiple SSL sites with Windows Server 2012

In Windows Server 2008 R2 and earlier versions you could always bind one ssl certificate to one site / ip. Because https traffic would normally terminate on port 443 you could only deploy seperate sites on different ips. But what if you had only one ip address? Well,...
No mails these days…

No mails these days…

Due to hurricane Sandy I cannot receive or send any mails these days. It seems that an Atlantic Metro datacenter in New York is offline because of power outtage (Backup datacenter in NJ is offline as well). Please contact me via Facebook...
SQL Server 2012: Always On and SQL Server authentication

SQL Server 2012: Always On and SQL Server authentication

Here is just a small problem I experienced while adding databases with SQL Server authentication enabled (used for some php websites) to an availability group. Steps I took to add the databases: Add all logins to the secondary server (SQL Management Studio >...