How to get the ‘real’ last logon time of an Active Directory user

How to get the ‘real’ last logon time of an Active Directory user

Yes, Active Directory provides details on when an active directory user last logged on. However, in a multi domain controller environment it may be tricky to get this information. If you’re on a single domain controller domain you can use Active Directory Users...
Tape Label Studio 2019 is on its way

Tape Label Studio 2019 is on its way

After 2 years of development Tape Label Studio 2019 will arrive this quarter. Here are some of the changes: Complete new code base and design. No more messy layouts on UHD displays or when using scaling. Everything looks shiny and new. Replaced old xml file base with...
ioBroker unter Windows installieren

ioBroker unter Windows installieren

Ich möchte in diesem Beitrag gar nicht darauf eingehen, was ioBroker ist oder tut. Es soll nur darum gehen, ioBroker unter Windows zu installieren und zum Schluss eine laufende Instanz zu haben. Voraussetzung ist einzig eine laufende Windows Instanz. Ich verwende...