How to configure item level recovery for Sharepoint 2010 with DPM 2010

I know that there are already a couple of articles covering this issue – but since I ran into trouble with exactly this configuration issue I realized that these articles do not cover everything. For example the problems you can run into. To keep the steps to be...

How to (re-)set identity column value in SQL Server?

When you use identity columns in SQL server you may have recognized that when deleting all table data your identity value stays at its latest position. Sometimes this is useful, sometimes it is not. Then you need to set this value to your preferred starting point....

What to do with ‘suspect’ tapes in MS DPM 2007 and 2010?

Sometimes it happens that Microsoft Data Protection Manager 2007, 2010 and 2012 mark a tape as ‘suspect’. Normally this should happen when 2 different tapes have the same barcode… If you do know that there are not 2 identically labeled tapes in your...