Nov 7, 2010
When you have a look at my vbscript bitlocker post and try to use it on remote machines you may not get any results but an application eventlog entry similar to this one here: Event Source: WinMgmt Event ID: 5605 Access to the […] namespace was denied. The...
Nov 6, 2010
Sometimes you need to use an environment variable (eg. username, userprofile, computername, …) in Powershell. The location where environment variables are stored is “env:”. This behaves similar to a hard or flash drive. You can list its content or...
Nov 6, 2010
This query shows all queries executed at the moment, the session id, status, used cpu time and the execution duration SELECT st.text, r.session_id, r.status, r.command, r.cpu_time, r.total_elapsed_time FROM sys.dm_exec_requests r CROSS APPLY...
Nov 6, 2010
First we need to create a xmlhttp object, similar to what you would do in JavaScript $objXmlHttp = New-Object -ComObject MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP Use the open method to specify the url, optional username and password. The third parameter (optional) is a boolean indicator...
Nov 6, 2010
First create the connection object, set the connection string and open the connection: $objSqlConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection $objSqlConnection.ConnectionString = “Server=YourSqlServer; Database=YourDataBase; User Id=YourUsername;...
Sep 28, 2010
Documentation for functions, methods and properties used in this post: Win32_EncryptableVolume GetEncryptionMethod GetProtectionStatus GetConversionStatus GetKeyProtectors GetLockStatus...
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