How to save a user picture in Active Directory with vbScript?

Active Directory offers the possibility to save pictures in a user’s object. These pictures can then be used in Outlook, Sharepoint or even self-written applications. Here is how you can do it: This function will read a picture resource from a url (szUrl) and...

How to set the Windows 7 user account picture programmatically?

Windows 7 offers the possibility to show small user account pictures, for example in the start menu or on the lock screen. Since there is no documented way of setting this picture programmatically here is a solution for developing a small application that can do this...

How to disable Windows 7’s default printer management?

When working with hundreds of computers and users you may have found ‘your’ way of managing printers. But Windows 7 sometimes (may be together with its users) thwart your plans. Since there is a configuration dialog in the start menu called Devices and...

How to use environment variables in Powershell?

Sometimes you need to use an environment variable (eg. username, userprofile, computername, …) in Powershell. The location where environment variables are stored is “env:”. This behaves similar to a hard or flash drive. You can list its content or...