Got my MCM certificate
I finally received my Microsoft Certified Master: Windows Server 2008 R2: Directory certificate. Read the whole story at www.becomingamaster.com
Meet the MCMs and MCAs
As a benefit of the master certification you can choose to be listed on the "Meet the MCMs and MCAs" website http://www.microsoft.com/learning/en/us/certification/master.aspx#meet. So here I am. But I also got my certificate and my transcript got updated now. Show as...
Restore deleted computer object including BitLocker recovery information
Recovery of Active Directory objects became much easier with the introduction of AD recycle bin feature in Windows Server 2008 R2. Simply use the restore-adobject PowerShell cmdlet and you're done. But what if you are using BitLocker with its keys stored in AD? You...
Error while running SharePoint 2010 Products Configuration Wizard
The wizard aborts at about 10% in step 9. Everything I could find in the logs was this here: Unknown SQL Exception 1468 occurred. Additional error information from SQL Server is included below. The operation cannot be performed on database "Sharepoint2010_UsageDB"...
Hot to fix Sharepoint Event 6398 “Could not find stored procedure ‘dbo.Search_GetRecentStats’.”?
While migrating my Sharepoint 2010 farm from Microsoft SQL Server 2005 to a SQL Server 2012 'Always On' environment I found the following error in the eventlog: The Execute method of job definition...
Got my welcome kit
Just a few minutes ago I received my welcome kit, a plaque honoring my master certification. See the pictures below... [nggallery id=4]
Norman Bauer – now a Microsoft Certified Master
Hey there... After a long long way I am finally a Microsoft Certified Master: Windows Server 2008 R2, Directory! It took me more than one year of preparation, a long travel to Redmond, WA, 2 weeks of the most-in-depth training I ever had and 3 exams each of them...
Time to be a Master
On April 4th I took my second exam again. Yesterday I got the results saying I am finally a Microsoft Certified Master! Well, updates on this will follow in a few weeks, now it is time for vacation - see you at the west coast ;)
How to get the number of volumes used by DPM 2010?
Just a quick hit that tells you how many volumes Microsoft Data Protection Manager uses. I got 848... [code lang="powershell"] $dpmserver = $env:computername #localhost or type your dpm server's name here $dpmdisks = get-dpmdisk -dpmservername $dpmserver $volumecount...
How to manage GPOs with vbScript?
You can do really really cool stuff with gpos in vbScript. I will show you how to export reports and give you some examples what else can be done going the vbScript way… The Group Policy Management console in Windows offers you the possibility to export reports about...
How to mark a DPM tape containing active recovery points as free
When trying to mark a tape that contains active recovery points as free in Data Protection Manager you'll receive an error like this: The selected tapes cannot be marked as free because they belong to protection groups. You need to stop protection of the associated...
Impressions of Seattle and the Master Training
I uploaded some pictures from Seattle and from the training. You can find them right below or by following the impressions link in the menu: [nggallery id=3]
MCM Directory R14 Complete with Several New MCMs!
Ryan Conrad said: We recently completed our most recent MCM Directory rotation where we had 23 participants. The largest in several years! Please congratulate the following individuals who have successfully completed all of the required exams during the rotation: •...
Passed the lab exam
Last night I got the results for my lab exam and I passed it!!!!!!! I passed the Microsoft Certified Master: Windows Server 2008 R2, Directory Certification Lab. I am soooo happy! Now I just need to retake the second written exam, pass it, and I will be a MCM.
Back at home
I just got back home. After a very enjoyable flight from Seattle to Frankfurt (the plane was almost empty and I had a complete row for myself) and another not-that-enjoyable flight from Frankfurt to Munich (I got rebooked to a later flight because employees at...
Lab exam over
I just finished my lab exam. This was THE HARDEST THING I EVER DID! Really, I'm not joking. This was harder than the Abitur (German university entrance qualification), harder than my graduation, harder than every exam I ever had to take. BUT... it was really fun. I...
Second exam failed…
Well, yes, I failed the second exam. :-( At least this is not the end. Tomorrow I will do better - I promise (at least I hope so)! Time to do some last preparations for the 8 hour lab exam, get some real good food and a real good rest tonight... I'll need to be fit...
Training over now…
It is Friday evening, the training is over now - just 2 exams left. These were 2 really great weeks. Now I have just a few hours to review a whole week of pki, frs, dfs and backup stuff. Tomorrow morning will be the second written exam...
First exam passed!
Passed the first exam today! Tricky questions and I did not feel very comfortable with the exam, but at least I made it! Rest of the day was all about pki. So the second week will cover pki, dfs, frs and disaster recovery, followed by the second exam on Saturday.
First week over
Sorry! The first week is over now, and I did not post a single word on it. Well this week was really stuffed with lots of information on AD, DNS, Authentication, Replication, Trusts, Sites, RODC and a lot more. We just started at 8 every morning, finished at around 6...
Last weekend before training
Yesterday I arrived in Seattle - after a long and boring flight from Frankfurt. Sorry about that, but I have to say it: I hate kids - really! Especially those ones that push and pull your seat all the time. Ok, long flights are always annonying, but now that I arrived...
Time to start
6:00 a.m. Munich Airport. This will be a very long day. My first flight this morning will leave around 8 to Frankfurt. Than around 11 a.m. I am going to finally leave Germany for 19 days. I think I'll arrive in Seattle at 1 p.m. PST - at least I hope so.
SharePoint Health Analyzer: The server farm account should not be used for other services.
The Sharepoint Health Analyzer has "red" reportings, shown in the Central Administration: The error details for the "The server farm account should not be used for other services." message are: {FarmAccount}, the account used for the SharePoint timer service and the...
How to fix broken images after mySite URL change in SharePoint 2010?
Here is a small PowerShell script to fix the pictureurl for all userprofiles after changing the mySite Url:
One week left…
I have almost finished my pre-readings. Of course there are still some things that can be read, but I will do so on my flight to Seattle. I just ordered a brand new Kindle to take my readings with me. I hope the in-flight-entertainment will be boring so I'll have time...
Creating profile synchronization connections in Sharepoint 2010 fails with error
When creating profile synchronization connections in Sharepoint 2010, for example as a part of configuring the profile synchronization service (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee721049.aspx) you may receive one of the following errors: Error Unable to...
How to get detailed information on Windows boot and shutdown performance in PowerShell?
In Windows 7 administrators have the possibility to monitor boot and shutdown performance by reviewing event logs. The most common one is located at Event Viewer > Application and Services Logs > Microsoft > Windows > Diagnostics-Performance >...
Happy new year!
Now it's 2012. To me it means there are only 5 weeks left. Some months ago, when I started this blog, February was so far away. But now is's just a couple of weeks. Time to finish my preparations...
Active Directory Troubleshooting Workshop
There hasn't been much to say in the last few weeks, but this week I had my Active Directory Troubleshooting Workshop at Microsoft Germany. 4 days full of useful information on tools, recovery, fixing and Active Directory itself. Well, I already knew most of these...
Apps won’t open after update to iOS 5
A few months ago I wrote a blog post about apps not opening any more after updating Apple iOS from 4.3.2 or below to 4.3.3 or higher. Now that iOS 5 has been released this problem seems to be still persistent and hasn't been fixed in iOS 5. While updating your iPhone,...
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