Sep 14, 2012
I recently activated the End User Recovery feature of Data Protection Manager 2012. I did the schema extension – which by the way added a ms-BackupSrv-Share attribute a ms-ProductionSrv-Share attribute a ms-SrvShareMapping class and a MS-ShareMapConfiguration...
Apr 16, 2012
Just a quick hit that tells you how many volumes Microsoft Data Protection Manager uses. I got 848… [code lang=”powershell”] $dpmserver = $env:computername #localhost or type your dpm server’s name here $dpmdisks = get-dpmdisk -dpmservername...
Mar 8, 2012
When trying to mark a tape that contains active recovery points as free in Data Protection Manager you’ll receive an error like this: The selected tapes cannot be marked as free because they belong to protection groups. You need to stop protection of the...
Sep 20, 2011
I know that there are already a couple of articles covering this issue – but since I ran into trouble with exactly this configuration issue I realized that these articles do not cover everything. For example the problems you can run into. To keep the steps to be...
Feb 14, 2011
Sometimes it happens that Microsoft Data Protection Manager 2007, 2010 and 2012 mark a tape as ‘suspect’. Normally this should happen when 2 different tapes have the same barcode… If you do know that there are not 2 identically labeled tapes in your...
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